The payment schedule in your event will be inherited from either your Default/ Profile Event Settings or from the settings of the template you have used. However, you can still customize the payment schedule further for any event from the "Payments" tab.
Accessing the Payment Schedule:
Go to the specific event for which you want to customize the payment schedule.
Navigate to the Payment tab of that event.
Understanding the Default Payment Schedule:
The payment schedule is initially inherited from either your default event settings or a template you've used for the event.
Customizing the Payment Schedule:
To modify the payment schedule, click on an existing payment to delete or remove it.
Alternatively, click "Add Schedule" to add a new payment.
Adding a New Payment:
Click the "Add Schedule" button to create a new payment.
For example, if you want to add a payment two for a percentage of 25%, specify the details accordingly.
Saving the Changes:
After making the necessary adjustments to the payment schedule, click "Save" to save the changes and update the payment schedule for that particular event.