How to create and manage recipe groups in a floral arrangement proposal, which can consolidate multiple individual recipes or cost cards into a coherent group for items like a tablescape, enhancing the proposal's organization and clarity.
Start on the recipes tab and choose a recipe card you want to group.
Click Add Group at the top to create a new recipe group at the list's bottom or hover between cards to add a group in a specific spot.
Add recipes to the group either by clicking Add Recipe within the group or dragging existing cards into it.
Set the quantity for the entire group, e.g., 10 tablescapes, adjusting individual recipe quantities within the group accordingly.
Rename recipe cards for clarity, e.g., update a centerpiece card to "Compote."
Add additional recipe cards to the group, such as bud vases, specifying quantities and details for each.
Incorporate hard goods and labor into the recipe cards as needed.
Utilize the group card to add inspiration photos and notes for both proposals and internal use.
Manage presentation options with toggle switches for taxability, optionality, visibility of subrecipes, and pricing of subitems in the proposal.
View how the grouped recipes appear in the proposal, with options to display subitems and their prices.
Use the group card options to duplicate or delete the entire group as needed.