Changes are inevitable when planning events, and FlowerBuddy’s Amendments feature makes managing those changes simple and transparent. From tracking adjustments to creating updated contracts, this tool ensures you can handle client requests seamlessly while keeping everything organized. In this article, we’ll guide you through using the Amendments feature to manage event changes efficiently.
Steps to Use the Amendments Feature in FlowerBuddy
1. Understanding the Amendments Feature
Once a client signs the contract for an event, the event is considered booked and locked based on the agreed-upon terms.
The Amendments feature is designed to handle any changes requested after the contract has been signed.
2. Identifying Changes in a Booked Event
When editing a booked event (e.g., increasing centerpiece quantities or swapping items), FlowerBuddy highlights changes with a red dot next to the updated item.
This red dot acts as a visual cue that the detail has been altered from the original contract.
Note: FlowerBuddy only tracks changes for events that have a signed contract. Events without signed contracts do not generate amendments.
3. Tracking Original and Updated Details
FlowerBuddy automatically tracks both the original contract details and the updated changes.
Hover over the red dot to view a comparison of the original and updated details, ensuring clarity.
4. Publishing Amendments for Client Approval
When all changes are finalized, publish the amendments on the Proposal tab to create a clear, updated proposal.
Your client can review the changes through their client portal and decide to approve or request further adjustments.
5. Generating a New Contract
Once the client approves and signs the amendments, FlowerBuddy generates a new updated contract reflecting the changes.
The red dot indicators will disappear, and the event details in FlowerBuddy will automatically update to match the signed amendments.
6. Repeat as Needed
This process can be repeated as many times as necessary, ensuring that all event details remain accurate and mutually agreed upon.
FlowerBuddy’s Amendments feature ensures you can handle client requests for changes to booked events with ease and professionalism. From tracking edits to generating updated contracts, this feature keeps both you and your clients on the same page, no matter how many adjustments are needed.